Music Review: Lights by Wolfgun

Wolfgun voyages across a universe of sounds in his new album ‘Lights’.

Lights – Wolfgun

Electronic/Drum & Bass

Released: 29th December, 2013


I shall admit that I don’t listen to much electronic music, a lot of it seems very bland and harsh to my ears. However there are some exceptions that I feel really show what is possible with the medium. Wolfgun is one such musician, after hearing some of his tracks played on ‘Friday Night Tech’ I was intrigued to hear more and have become a firm listener ever since.

Unlike many albums now, ‘Lights’ is a complete work from start to finish. Every track seems to just flow effortlessly from one to another as we travel with Wolfgun throughout the cosmos. The concept of his personality travelling across the stars has been something which has remained consistent in his work, and there are phrases and deep meanings buried within the lyrics carried throughout various tracks and albums.

‘Lights’ is full of completely new and original works, only the first track harks back to ‘Projections’ with its lore about a “Wolf whom knew no enemy” and disappeared from our World.

The title track is incredibly energetic and has a very positive mood which contrasts strongly to the last album, ‘Reality’. The lyrics certainly confirm this with phrases like “There’s only stars in my soul now,” and “Like fireworks, I saw the lights, filling up my shadow.”

Looking up at the sky, at the universe, and feeling a sense of comfort and inspiration is at the heart of many of the songs. My interpretation from listening is the stars often seem to represent people, while deep significance is given to the Sun and Moon, often with a plead for our nearest star not to set or fade from existence.

The track ‘Orion’ sounds very much like someone is scanning the stars, with strong pulses of sound and a good tempo which makes it one of my personal favourites.

‘The Gift’ is one of the jewels of the album, Wolfgun’s lyrics feel intensely personal and this is one reasons I feel the music speaks to the listener so strongly. “Although I search, I cannot find it, an empty space within my memory, a place of my dreams.” After the lyrics “I am calling” is a moment where the music breaks out into a expanse of interweaving melodies, its an absolute mastery of the sound-scape.

‘Glory’ focuses on the Sun and Moon, as if they have committed some crime against wolves. Perhaps suggesting that the folk tales of werewolves and the full moon is to blame for the killing of thousands of the species throughout history. With powerful drum and bass, the chorus proudly calls on listeners to “sink your teeth into the moon tonight.”

‘Pulsar’ has wonderful deep tones, feeling you are travelling aboard Wolfgun’s craft as it travels deep into space. Journeying on to ‘Horizons’, where the beating drum comes down strongly once again with a soft tone of vocals beneath. Thunder then creeps in toward the end of the track with the lyrics ending with “The face of death will rise, to claim our lives, but when it comes, I will not run.” One thing humanity is often afraid of is death, and such statements really speak to the listener once more.

‘Aurora’ in a bouncy and uplifting track with a wonderful vocal performance, almost with a feeling of summer with the lyrics, “It’s everything I’ve wanted, to run beneath the sunlight.” However what moves me most is its chorus where Wolfgun says we should not wipe away the stars from our night sky, for humanity to not forget to look up at night and light pollution from great cities to disappear.

After a pleasant instrumental interlude in ‘Moment’, the album closes with ‘Dawn’. Having opened with lyrics about stars shining brightly, now at the end of the album they begin to fade and die. But in this moment, the Sun still rises and warms our souls. “Dawn, wake me up, but let me dream, before I die!”

Technically, the album continues to highlight Wolfgun’s mastery of the mixing process. One of the reasons I think I enjoy the music so much is that he will use the entire spectrum to his advantage, its an absolute joy to listen to such a rich sound-scape, populated with melodies and rifts throughout.

My favourite Wolfgun album remains ‘Projections’ for now, but ‘Lights’ has certainly taken my second spot. Its bright and colourful, full of energy and deep personal lyrics which make me desire for humanity to take its place amongst the stars.


You can take a voyage with Wolfgun today by visiting –


Written by Michael “Mikepaws” Garnett

About the author


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One Response to Music Review: Lights by Wolfgun

  1. Robert Thomas says:

    Awesome review. I haven’t had time to listen to it yet but now I”m looking forward to it!

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